Convegno internazionale


Il patrimonio del Romanico: risorsa per lo sviluppo di un programma di turismo culturale
Sabato 29 settembre, Canonica di Vezzolano, Sala del Refettorio


Sessione - Il Turismo culturale del Romanico in Europa

Dott.ssa Andrea Moeller

Moderatore (sx) Prof. Enrico Ercole - Relatore  (centro) Dott.ssa Andrea Moeller (sx) Dott.ssa Ute Ludwig (Traduttore)


           TRANSROMANICA has been developed as INTERREG III B Cadses-project from 2003 to 2006. TRANSROMANICA is a transnational network of routes and itineraries with 25 Romanesque Highlight sites within five European partner regions:

     Through creation of regional Romanesque itineraries further rural and urban sites (associated sites) within the Partner regions have been integrated and existing disparities were reduced by forming attractive “cultural landscapes”.

     Central goal of TRANSROMANICA is to reinforce sustainable regional development and promote spatial cohesion through cultural tourism on the basis of common European heritage of the Romanesque.TRANSROMANICA networking aims at making visible our common historical roots, thus helping to build bridges especially concerning our new members in the European Union. Cultural tourism products without national frontiers and coordinated action shall further raise the awareness among European citizens about our common Romanesque heritage and foster cultural identity in growing Europe.

      Romanesque heritage has proved an inspiring example in this case. The Romanesque age (dating from ~1000 to 1250) represents a historic period in the sense that regions and countries of previously distinct cultural identities developed a common style in arts and architecture for the first time in Europe. The Romanesque era can thus be seen as a forerunner to the current development of transition and cohesion in the former CADSES area.

      Being recently officially recognized as “Major European Cultural Route” by the Council of Europe, TRANSROMANICA faces big challenges in the near future.

Andrea Möller (PHD),Senior Consultant

Project management Transromanica – Network and Itineraries of Romanesque Heritage, Cadses III B 2003 – 2006

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